"I myself have twelve hats and each one represents a different personailty" ~ Margaret Atwood

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Signs of Spring

Spring is officially upon us!  Although word has it that the temperature will be dropping again in the next few days, you can't deny it, Winter is over at last.  We spent most of this week outside enjoying the sunshine.  We even went to the zoo!  

 We found this hat in a collection of hand me downs we received from one of my mom's co-workers.  It rocks.  I like that it is stretchy so it stays on Henry's head.   Here we are checking out the penguins swimming by the window (see the tail)?
 But of course, this entry would not be complete without a hat that mommy made.  This hat in honour of spring:
 We even found some little flowers to pose next to!  This is in my Mother's front garden.  My garden also appears to have some daffodils that bloomed this week!  So exciting.
 I couldn't find a suit to match the hat, but it's probably less embarrassing this way.
In other exciting news, Henry got his first tooth this weekend!  I was totally not expecting it, but he smiled at my during bath time on Thursday and there it was!  That first tooth sprouting up on his gums.  Since then it's cut all the way through and is now a razor-sharp addition to his little mouth.  All things considered, he coped like a little champ.  My sweet little boy!

Keep an eye out for some awesome Easter themed hats coming up in the next few weeks!  I've also been instructed to throw in some manly hats, so stay tuned for those as well.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Pot of Gold

St. Patrick's Day is upon us.  Green clothes, green beer, leprechauns, Pots of gold and four leaf clovers are everywhere you look and everyone is celebrating their Irish heritage, no matter how distant it is.  

St. Patty's day got me thinking about four leaf clovers.  I've heard some people don't think four leaf clovers exist.  I can assure you they do.  My sister has a strange knack for finding them.  She inherited this ability from my Old Oma who could also walk through a field of grass and find multiple four leaf clovers.  I did some reading, apparently there are 10,000 three leaf clovers for every one four leaf clover. I've watched Chrissy pick out 10 four leaf clovers in as many minutes.  I myself find them occasionally, but Chrissy finds them with reckless abandon.  

Enough about clovers.  Onto the hat.  It was so beautiful outside today.  When I looked out my window, I saw a little leprechaun with a pot of gold:

Funny, right?  Or cheesy, whatever.  It was hard to get a picture of this little munchkin looking at the camera because he was way more interested in nature.  

 Hmm, what's this?  (actually I think it's part of a shrub which collapsed in the winter and is now mushed into the dirt in the garden because I put his bumbo on it).

Finally he looks at me!  I was going to go all lame this week and buy him a leprechaun hat, but then GG said (and I quote) "Everyone's waiting to see what you come up with this week"  Thanks Ma, no pressure right.  In the end, I was glad I made one myself, this hat turned out pretty cute, I made it with no pattern and only a vague plan and hope that it would work out.  Looks like it was my lucky day (must've been a four leaf clover).


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Extra! Extra!

Well folks, it looks like the weather is slowly turning into spring like conditions!  Although we've had a few icy cold days we've had enough warm days that we are facing the inevitable hat dilemma where it's too warm for hats, but I still have hats a plenty to create.  

In light of the warmer forecast for the next few days, I made Henry a hat that doesn't quite cover his ears, so he can wear it without having a meltdown because it's too hot.  Hopefully.  

In other exciting news, our good friends welcomed their sweet daughter S to the world this week!   Join me in congratulating J and R on their beautiful little girl!  Henry is looking forward to a lifetime of friendship :)  S's dad, J, and I have known each other since we were only 4 years old, it's kind of incredible that our children might have an even longer friendship than we have maintained. The world is a crazy place!

Here's the little man in the test shot.  Nice chin rolls buddy!

He's only doing this until his acting career takes off...

Thinking about something

Dad is so silly!

Next week is St. Patrick's day, so look out for a St. Patty's Day theme!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

King of the Jungle

It was only after I put last week's post up that I realized the frog hat was even more appropriate than I imagined, what with it being a leap year this year.  Thank you subconscious.

This week's hat was requested by Trevor.  He said March is coming in like a lion (or winter is going out like one) so we need a lion hat.  Once I completed the hat and showed it to him, he immediately regretted requesting it and told me he is worried that the kids are going to tease Henry for all his awesome hats some day.  I find this unlikely, and once he's in school, we'll tone the hats down a little.  Might as well put him in the funny hats while he is too young to protest, right?

For this hat I did the usual crochet base then added ears and a mane as well as some earflaps with braids to match so it looks like an extension of the mane.  I think it turned out pretty cute.

Trevor thinks this hat looks like Luna's Gryffindor hat in Harry Potter:

I think he's exaggerating.  It's nowhere near that outrageous.  Here we go, you can judge for yourselves:

Checking out the weird plant.  Then we had a minor fail which resulted in the next image:

Help me dad!  There was also a certain kitty cat trying to photobomb us the whole time (please note, the photobomb link can be NSFW so beware if you decide to click).  

Henry practicing his roar (or running out of patience for the photoshoot).  I've saved the best picture for last:

Success!  Wishing you all a wonderful week!
