"I myself have twelve hats and each one represents a different personailty" ~ Margaret Atwood

Friday, July 6, 2012

Where's Wald---errr, Henry?

Happy Friday Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the heat we're having (if you are in southern Ontario anyway, maybe elsewhere too).  Since we've been pretty much housebound today enjoying the air conditioning, I had enough time to finish this week's hat a bit early as well as stage our photo shoot.  

The idea for this week actually came from last week.  I thought the beanie made Henry look a little like Waldo (of Where's Waldo? fame).  I did a little research to see exactly what Waldo's hat really looks like, and here we are!  I also happened to have the perfect shirt to complete the costume.  I think I actually buy these red and white striped suits because I love the Labyrinth.  I'm not going to tell you how awesome it is.  In fact, I'm going to assume that since we're friends, you've seen it, so I won't even tell you what it's about or what it has to do with red and white striped baby suits.

I digress, back to the pics:

Did I forget to mention the pipe-cleaner glasses?:

It was hard today to get little man to smile/pay attention/take the toys out of his mouth

Chewing away (tooth eruption #5 is imminent):

Snarfing at me:

Almost a smile, and look, nothing in his mouth!:

What a funny little man, he makes me laugh all day long.


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