"I myself have twelve hats and each one represents a different personailty" ~ Margaret Atwood

Monday, August 27, 2012

Punk Boy

Sorry for the late update.  We had a very busy weekend between birthday parties and barbeques.  Luckily the weather was beautiful and the little man was feeling quite congenial.  

My little punk rocker decided he wanted a new hairdo this week.  Generally he rocks a wee little mullet.  He's got lots of hair in the back and it's just starting to grow in thicker on top.  It's adorable, but he wanted to know what it might be like to have a different 'do:

Also, he would not put his cheese down:

Then he shoved the whole thing in his mouth (some running down his lip here):

So blase about the whole photo shoot:

Mom is funny:

In other news, I updated the etsy store, so there are lots more hats in there now.  As always if you live nearby, contact me if there's something you are interested in, I'll hook you up.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bork Bork Bork!

Hey everyone!
Ok, we're back into high gear this week.  One of my husbands favourite Muppet characters is the Swedish Chef.  So in honour of Trevor's birthday and the Swedish Chef, please enjoy some pictures of Henry cooking up a storm:

Bork bork!

Silly man, you're not supposed to sit in the pot!  (This is the biggest pot I have in my kitchen, he barely fits in it).

Then you add some salt:

Stir it all together:

Then charm everyone with your big blue eyes and no one will notice how it tastes:

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Blues Brother Henry

I'll be honest with you all, this week, I just had too many other projects on the go and no creative energy for the hand-made hats you are all accustomed to, so I bought a hat.  It's super cute though!  I promise, next week I'll make him an awesome hat to make up for my laziness this week.  

In the meantime:

Cool guy:

Smiley man!:

Super cool guy:

Oh, hi ma!

Michael Jackson impersonation:

I've switched to shooting my pictures in RAW format which results in something similar to a negative (only digital obviously).  This makes processing easier/nicer (not that I am altogether that skilled at processing, but you have to learn somewhere, right)?  I think you can see a little difference in the picture quality.  What do you think?

That's all for this week!


Friday, August 3, 2012

Henry the Great

Lately I've been reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.  If this doesn't sound familiar to you, perhaps you know the series better in it's television incarnation: True Blood.

I've only really watched the first season in it's entirety, but I've read the novels up to book 7 so far and I must admit, I am totally team Eric, forget Bill, Sam, Alcide, or anyone else.  Something about a giant Viking seems appealing to me.

Of course this isn't my first time being interested in Vikings or Viking related things, I also enjoy dragons, celtic patterns, Thor.

When I searched "baby boy hat" on pinterest this week, I saw without a doubt the hat we would be doing this week.  So in honour of Eric the (former) Viking:

Practicing his warrior face:

War hammer (or a totally baby-proof rubber mallet, whatever):

Serious business:

How's this face Ma?:

Pattern courtesy www.etsy.com/shop/mamachee

So there we have it.  My cute little man (who is quickly becoming a not so little man).

Have a great long weekend everyone!