"I myself have twelve hats and each one represents a different personailty" ~ Margaret Atwood

Friday, December 16, 2011

Henry the elf, what's your favourite colour?

Leading up to Christmas, I have 2 hats planned, as such I've decided to post the first one today.  This hat will end our series of crocheted hats, it's also the simplest hat I've featured so far.  Again I used a pattern that I bought on etsy.  Usually I make my own patterns, but these ones were oh so cute, I couldn't resist.

Since starting this blog just a few weeks ago, we've gotten many compliments on Henry's many hats.  I'd like to apologize to anyone who's seen Henry sans hat the past few days.  It's been awfully warm for hats and it's too hot in his car seat so we don't always wear one in public.  But don't fret folks, Winter is well on it's way and as you all know it lasts forever in Ontario, so there will be many opportunities to see Henry's hats in person.  When Summer hits, we're going to have to come up with some creative solutions to the too-hot-for-hats problem.

Now with no further ado...

I tried to take a picture of Henry while he was awake:
 No dice.  Very well then little boy, I'll catch you while you sleep:

 Much better.  Helping Santa is hard work after all.

Bonus picture:  Henry with the big man (and no hat)!

Next week's hat is one of my own design, so I'll share the pattern with you all, just in case there are any knitters out there who want to give it a try (it's an easy one).


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